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The 10 commandments still matter – and why now more than ever (7/10)

Writer's picture: LilianahLilianah

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

7 – You shall not commit adultery: This commandment is one that has been deeply underestimated lately. Adultery is now a perceived as an almost acceptable part of relationships. It isn’t.

Reading David’s story in the book of Kings, it always strikes me how human he was. He was after all just like us, full of sins and issues. And still Yahuah loved David greatly. As you know David f***** up BIG TIME when he had an affair with Bathsheba and that insidious act was the turning point in his life. While Uriah (Bathsheba’s man) was away in battle defending David’s kingdom, David was sleeping with his wife and got her pregnant. When Bathsheba failed to sleep with Uriah to hide her adultery, David used his power to get Uriah killed in battle.

With his act covered by Uriah's death, David was free to take Bathsheba as wife. However, even if Uriah got killed in ignorance of what happened, Yahuah always knows. The prophet Nathan visits David asking for advice: ‘A rich man stole and killed the only sheep of a poor man, what do you think we should do?’ and David answers: ‘Surely the rich man should die’. David had no self-awareness and could not realize that Samuel was talking about him. ‘The rich man is you!’, Nathan said. This is when David realized the mortal sin he had committed and fell on his knees to ask for Yahuah’s forgiveness. Nathan informed him that he was forgiven, but there would still be consequences: the son Bathsheba had just brought to the world would die and David from that day on would have no peace in his house and in his family. Although David was forgiven by the Father, he still had to suffer the consequences of his sin.

Before we deep dive on this commandment, allow me first to describe what is considered Adultery in the Bible. Whether you like it or not, the Bible is a patriarchal book, so adultery happens when a married woman has extra-marital relations or when a man has sex with a married woman. Does it mean that a man can sleep around? Not really. A man who commits fornication is called a ‘whoremonger’ and while also sinful, it's not as bad as adultery.

Adultery in the Torah of the Old Testament was a crime punishable by death. Was the Father 'overreacting'? Let’s look at the meaning of the word: adulterāre: (“to pollute, defile, commit adultery”), a word formed ultimately from the Latin elements ad- “to, near” and alter “other.”

There are several theories for the Bible to look at adultery in such extreme way. My personal opinion is that Yahuah's takes marriage as our most important commitment on earth, because out of marriage is the blessed way to establish the future of mankind. By betraying the trust of that who protects the woman or tempting a woman to betray her partner is a direct symbol of breaking our alliance with the Father Himself. What good is a commitment if it's not respected?

This being said, once more the commandment shows us an earthly element but also a spiritual one. In order to commit adultery, one must lie and destroy trust. Once adultery (or defilement) is committed, there is no turning back. Even if your spouse never finds out, the stain of that act will remains as a ghost, because in our spirit we know that is not ok. Adultery in our carnal life is a symbol that we are just as capable of adultery against Yahusha. This is not trivial.

In David's story, Uriah represented the innocent betrayed husband. And who is our spiritual husband? The Bible makes the connection between the term bridegroom and Yahusha. The Messiah is our groom and every soul who believes in him is his bride. Isn't it beautiful?

Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” (Revelation 19:7)

Husbands, love your wives, just as Yahusha also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. (Ephesians 5:25-27)

What Yahuah unites cannot be separated

Once we’re married, it’s supposed to be a commitment for life. There are some cases where the Bible allows divorce, for example, if the woman commits adultery. Why is this the case? It’s actually to protect women! The Bible knows that the woman is the weakest part of the marriage and needs protection and support, so if once we go old and saggy the husband divorces her to marry a younger woman, that would not be very fair. In the Old Testament, even when the man married other women, the previous ones remained under his protection.

Just like the 6th commandment about murder, adultery also starts on our minds and hearts, reason we need to keep our thoughts under Yahusha's watch. Idols take many forms. Lust is a kind of an idol too. It clouds our judgement and dominates our mind. It starts in our thoughts and if we leave them unchecked we are opening a channel which is the devil’s playground.

“But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Matthew 5:28);

“Out of the heart of a man proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications,” (Mark 7:20-21)

Sexual desire has a reason to exist, a beautiful role in a blessed marriage but a foul one when we let it influence us to commit fornication and adultery. This is after all Satan’s 'talent': turning beautiful things created by Yahuah into ugliness.

Why is the 7th Commandment more important now than ever: Because one of the agendas of feminism if to promote adultery as 'women empowerment'. Once adultery is the 'normal' and women are independent, self-sufficient and want to sleep around even after married, what is the motivation for a man to become a husband and work his ass off to support his family?

There is already a growing division and animosity in society ingeniously created by 'old white males', who aim at destroying well structured families because families are the strongest communities. You might not have had the luxury of growing up in a great family, but even a so so family is better than no real family at all. We see people divided by politics and by useless ideologies and for those who are creating this chaos the end goal is quite simple: Divide and conquer.

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