“For My people have committed two evils:
They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters,
And hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water. (Jeremiah 2:13)
Paulo Coelho in an interview (or in one of his books, I’m not sure), mentioned his past flirtations with Satanism - which were way more than flirtations, but I digress – when he and his creative partner Raul Seixas during a home-made satanic ritual got spooked so badly by the evil manifestation that they had to come up with a way to make it stop quickly. The method described was really striking: they opened the bathroom tap to let the water touch their hands, for according to Paulo Coelho ‘God is present in flowing water’. Although I can’t really remember all the occult Crowleyan wicked thing in Paulo Coelho’s books, I retained this story for some reason and recently this connection between the Creator and water came back to my mind.

In average, a human being can survive up to three minutes without air, three days without water and three weeks without food. Air, water and food are surely essential to physical life and all of them have interesting parallels to our spiritual life in the Bible.
The Creator breathes the breath of life into our nostrils when we are born and afterwards as we breath our last breath, our spirit (or our breath of life) goes back to its source. There are several instances in the Bible where spirit and air is connected, for example, people are ‘troubled in their spirit’ or in Hebrew, in their ruach (wind, breath, air).
Yahusha (Jesus) in his ministry made the correlation between his Word and the bread of life and how we need the Word as we need food. Yahuah provided ‘the bread of the angels’ or Manah to the Israelites during their 40-year pilgrimage. By making angelic bread rain, Yahuah wanted to make the point that He could provide all his people’s needs. The Israelites, as we know, failed again and again to give glory to the Father, even Moses, who ended up not being allowed in the promised land because he failed to give credit to Yahuah when his rod made water flow out of a rock in the wilderness for his thirsty fellowmen.
Speaking of water, as you probably know, we are mostly made of water. ‘Where there is water there is life’, isn't it? Our first home is a water bag. It’s warm, dark, silent, cozy and it nurtures us all we need. I wonder if a baby would choose to really leave that comfortable situation. Once we’re born, we are delivered in a cold, dry room, normally with too many lights, noise and some of us even get a spank in the bottom to jump start our lungs. Tell me about a 'rude awakening'!
The divine and sacred elements of water are all over the Scriptures, even the lack thereof; drought is a common judgment from the Father and many of the Israelite patriarchs were made nomads because of the hunger caused by drought. The references to water in the Bible are so many it would require several books to explore its deep spiritual meaning, but if you - like me - feel a deep connection to the water, especially when swimming in the ocean, this reflection might be interesting for you.
The idea of exploring this topic came from the channel Theofilus Most Excellent, who posted an interesting reflection on water in the Bible called ‘the riddle of living water’.
His analysis is interesting and compelled me to think about the origin of water. When was water created? There is no mention that Yahuah said ‘let there be water’. We do not see this in Genesis, but rather ‘Let there be light’ and afterwards ‘the waters were separated’. Was there water before there was light?
For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. (2Peter 3:5-6)
The seas & salt conductivity
Have you ever wondered why the ocean waters are salty? Where does this water come from? You may wish to believe the official explanation for salty water: that it comes from rocks and from the core of the earth, but for those with an open mind, it might be interesting to question what lies over the dome, if we take the Biblical shape of our realm into consideration, of course. Some theories talk about a spiraling plasma field, or aether - the 5th element - spinning amongst the waters above.
Did we have salty oceans in the days of Noah or did they fall down when the dome broke, causing water to flow from the sky during the cataclysmic flood described in the book of Genesis? since we know that salty water conducts energy, the possibility that these salty waters exist in order to conduit aether's electricity could not be so crazy after all.
In Revelation, we are told that there will be a day when we will no longer have seas. How interesting if we take it literally, why would seas cease to exist? would a cosmic force suck it up maybe? The ocean waves, its tides and how its motion interacts with moon cycles, not to mention the creatures we have no idea exist in kilometers and kilometers of extension and depth of unexplored territory add up to this beautiful mystery of the Creator.
Speaking of salt: The dead sea
Although not possible to determine exactly, a theory I find plausible is that Sodom was located in where we see today the dead sea. The concentration of salt in the dead sea is so high that no life is possible there.
If we take into consideration that the aether’s energy filed is magnified by the salty waters, it could make sense that we have a high concentration of salt in the dead sea after the brimstone fire rain. Lot's wife, feeling sorrowful for the city and the life she was leaving behind, looked back and was turned into... a statue of salt.
The world as a stormy sea
'Respect the sea' is a very good advice from lifeguards at the beach. The sea is unpredictable, mysterious and has a majestic way to humble us. One of Yahusha's many recorded miracles happened in the sea. His disciples were alone on the stormy sea - a storm so rough they feared for their lives, until they see someone walking on the waters. As the Messiah walked on water, Peter told him ‘I want to go to you!’ and Yahusha said 'come!' and Peter marveled at what he could do as he also walked on water, but once he stopped focusing on Yahusha, he feared and started to drown. Yahusha of course came to his rescue, but pointed out that his lack of faith was the problem. The stormy sea is this wicked world that troubles us and pushes us to be afraid and hopeless, but if we know Yahusha and keep our focus on him, all the storm in the world will not matter. When Yahusha comes to the disciples’ boat, he reproaches the storm and the waters become calm. The same happens when we accept the Messiah and know him.
Is water a living substance?
Dr. Masaru Emoto in his book ‘The hidden messages in water’, shows us how water shapes its molecules according to the energy of the message. He would say words such as ‘love’, ‘hate’ and freeze the water and check it on the microscope and the shapes either showed a harmonic pattern for the water exposed to positive words - looking like snow flakes - or chaotic for negative words. His findings are so fascinating it’s worth checking the video below if this is new for you.
Dr. Emoto's findings are in line with what the Apostle Paul tells us, to set our minds in just, lovely, pure things - instead of wasting our energy on what's not. If the frequency of negative and positive words have such an impact on water and we are 80% made of water, I think it goes without saying that words (and thoughts) are powerful also for our state of mind.
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:8-9)
Baptism through water
John the Baptist told us that he was supposed to prepare the way for the real Messiah. While he baptized with water, the Messiah was coming to baptize us with the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha’Qodesh). The immersion in water is meant to be our commitment to our Father and must be done consciously, reason the infant baptism is opposed by many protestant churches.
The objective here is not to challenge church rites, as this is a blog dedicated solely to the Scriptures and not connected to any specific man-made faith, reason I invite you instead to focus on the baptism performed by John per se. The believer is immersed in the waters of the Jordan river. Water is all around him/her, an instant of silence and he/she is brought back… reborn, like once we were taken out of our silent maternal water-bag into the world. When John the Baptist baptized the Messiah, the sky opened and he was baptized by the Ruach Ha’Qodesh and a voice was heard: ‘This is my Yachyid (beloved son), of whom I am well pleased.’

Does this mean that we need an official immersion baptism for salvation? absolutely not. The baptism of John is a symbol of our own decision to search for salvation, but it is still related to the flesh, not spirit.
When an elect is called, his/her heart of stone is replaced with a heart of flesh (faith) and the Ruach Ha'Qodesh (the Holy Spirit) can dwell within this reborn person. This new believer becomes then, the Church. This is the spiritual baptism of the Ruach Ha'Qodesh or the Living Water, that allows the peace of Christ to dwell in us.
Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. (1Corinthians 3:16-17)
The several wells in the Bible
Have you ever noticed how many stories in the Bible happen by the well or because of a well? while it does make sense that our forefathers had water sources as a big concern and life pretty much depended on knowing where they were, we can also trace a correlation to the spiritual waters. The well was where Jacob met Rachel, where Moses met his wife and the reason for dispute between Abraham and the Pharaoh. In several passages of the Bible, wicked people or those who don’t bear fruit are compared to 'wells without water’. Also by a well Yahusha had his conversation with the Samaritan woman where he explains why we should drink of his water:
“Yahusha answered and said to her, Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:13-14)
All elements needed for our survival were given to us for free by the Creator. Our fallen lives in this realm unfortunately don’t allow us to necessarily live here for free. Even with all our bodily needs cared for, without Yahusha we have no peace, our spirit thirsts and hungers for connection. We were made to search for connection with the Creator, even if many try to substitute Him with idols.
Nevertheless, we have the Promise of the eternal life and peace in the Messiah. Without overthinking about the meaning of water, for me it suffices to think that just as water is the source of life on Earth, Yahusha is the source of spiritual life.
Yahusha is the one who sets us free of our bondage and brings us out of Spiritual Egypt. We can either live a life of bondage with the comforts of the world, as long as we bow down to the gods of this world (money, self, work, etc.), or we can be free and follow the Messiah. The way will be uncomfortable, but if we trust in the Father and the Son, we will have all we need and we will not want.
Next time we swim or drink that satisfying glass of water, how about we think about the living waters? Think positive and beautiful thoughts and talk about your love for the Creator in all thanksgiving. If Dr. Emoto’s findings are not enough to convince you, maybe this will:
“These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore they are before the throne of Elohim, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them. They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat; for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And Yahuah will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” (Revelation 7:14-17 - emphasis mine)
